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The pathfinder class manages basic pathfinding logic based on an implementation of the A* algorithm and a custom MinHeap data structure.

This class uses the pathfinding property of the CellData base class to determine movement cost and whether a cell is an obstacle.


Pathfinding currently works in most cases. However, it is still work in progress and might deliver suboptimal paths in specific cases. Please don't expect A* project level pathfinding. Improving pathfinding is high up on the current roadmap

Public methods


public List<Vector3Int> GetPath(Vector3Int start, Vector3Int destination)

Returns a list of grid positions forming the shortest path between the start and destination points. Returns an empty list if the destination is not passable or doesn't contain cell data.


  • start: The starting point from which to start the path.
  • destination: The destination point of the path.


var playerPosition = new Vector3Int(0, 0, 0);
var target = new Vector3Int(5, 2, 0);
//Creates a shortest path between the player and the target
var path = tilemapExtended.Pathfinder.GetPath(playerPosition, target);

foreach (var point in path) {
//Do something with path